Rebecca E Reyes


Rebecca E Reyes

Rebecca E Reyes

Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Nov 2023

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    28 January

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Rebecca is a fantasy and science fiction artist, author, mother, daydreamer, and unabashedly human.

Characters are rebecca's greatest strength as an author. Sure, they're all going to traverse through dark events, but she will always give them something to live for. A happy ending awaits her heros in every book. It's the journey to get them there that's the interesting part.

Born in Gunnison, Colorado, Rebecca has spent most of her life in Florida. Encouraging her to follow her passions is her best friend and the most handsome, quiet nerd she ever could have imagined. Now, her husband, son and elder sister are the biggest inspirations for her to pursue her passions, live for the future, and share her stories with the world.

Rebecca E Reyes Books

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